What’s the Difference Between Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning?


Often Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, and deep learning are often overlapping terms that get candidates confused. Artificial Intelligence means getting a computer to imitate human behavior. Machine learning on other hand is a subset of Artificial intelligence, and it consists of strategies that enables systems to figure things out from data and deliver applications. Meanwhile, Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that allows computers to solve highly complex problems.

While these descriptions are accurate, they are little concise. So let us explore each of these segments and provide you with a little more background.

Difference between AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning

What Is AI?

Artificial Intelligence is an academic discipline that was established in 1956. The aim was to get processors to perform tasks regarded as uniquely human, aspects that required intelligence. In the beginning, researchers worked on issues like playing checkers and solving logical problems. Early success caused researchers to exhibit almost boundless enthusiasm for the possibilities of Artificial Intelligence, matched only by the extent to which they miscalculated just how complex some problems were. AI refers to the output of systems. When computers are doing something intelligent, so it exhibit artificial intelligence.

The term AI does not say anything about those issues is solved. There are numerous different techniques, including rule-based or expert systems. One of the categories of methods that started more widely used in the 1980s was machine learning.

How Artificial Intelligence works?

Artificial intelligence combines large amounts of data with iterative processing and fast and intelligent algorithms, allowing software to learn from features in the data automatically. AI is a huge field of study that includes many theories, methods, and technologies as well as dealing with major subfields:


  • Machine learning analytical model building
  • Neural Network
  • Deep Learning
  • Natural Language Processing 

Other than this, several technologies enable and support AI- Graphical Processing Units, IoT, Advanced Algorithms, Application programming interfaces that are portable packages of code that make it possible to add AI functionality to software packages.

What Is Machine Learning?

Early researchers found issues to be much more complicated because those problems were not agreeable to the early techniques used for AI. Hard-coded algorithms or fixed, rule-based systems did not work well for areas like image recognition, extracting meaning from text.

For example, when you think about reading as a skill to learn, you would not sit down and learn grammar or spelling before going through the first book. One would read an easy move and move to complex ones over time. Same way, in machine learning, you process a lot of data and learn from it. You feed an algorithm with lot of data and let it do its magic. So if you feed an algorithm a lot of data on financial transitions, it could tell you which one is fraudulent and let it work out what indicates fraud so it could predict fraud in the future. This ensures businesses to have better productivity.

As these algorithms develop, they can tackle numerous problems. But there are some areas like speech or handwriting recognition that are still harder for machines. So in case machine learning coding bootcamp can help you understand imitating humans, and then why not mimic the human brain? This is the idea behind neural networks.

How Machine learning works?

Machine learning as discussed is a form of AI that teaches computers to think same way as humans do learning and enhancing past experiences. It works on exploring data and identifying patterns, involving minimal human interaction. Any task can be finished with data-defined pattern or set of rules that can be automated using ML. One could complete any task with a data define pattern. This ensures companies can transform processes that previously required human interaction like customer service calls, reviewing resumes, bookkeeping, or any other job. Machine learning bootcamp can help you learn all dynamics of machine learning working.

What is Deep Learning?

Deep learning is all about making use of neural networks with more neurons, layers, and interconnectivity. While we are still a long way from mimicking the human brain in its complexity, we are still moving in that direction! By reading about advances in computing from autonomous cars to go-playing supercomputers to speech recognition, deep learning is under the covers. One may experience some form of AI. Behind these scenes, AI is supported by some form of deep learning.

Now let us look at some issues to see how deep learning is different from simple neural networks or other forms of machine learning.

How Deep Learning Works?

If you are given an image of dogs, you recognize them as dogs, even if you have never seen that image before. And it does not matter if the dog is lying on sofa or playing outside. You could recognize a dog because you know about the several elements that define a dog: shape of its muzzle, size, tail, and placement of legs, and so on.

Deep learning can easily do this. And it is vital for numerous things like autonomous vehicles. Before a car can determine its following action, it needs to know what is around it. It must be able to identify people, bikes, road signs, other vehicles, and more. And do so in challenging visual circumstances. Standard machine learning techniques cannot do this. Further, natural language processing is used for chatbots, smartphones voice assistants, to name few.


So hoping the first definition made in the beginning made more sense. AI refers to devices exhibiting human-like intelligence in some manner. There are several techniques for AI, but one of the biggest subset is machine learning that lets the algorithms learn from data. Deep learning is a sub-part of machine learning, using many-layered neural networks for solving the hardest problems. In case you wish to learn about machine learning then  machine learning coding bootcamp is the place to check.

Also, Read This Blog: Top 19 Machine Learning Interview Questions In 2022


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