Using Machine Learning to Drive Recruiting Performance


Machine learning is dominating and taking over every industry, from being used in cars autonomous to predict stock market behaviours, the entire recruiting industry is largely witnessing the demand for specialists. With several Machine learning bootcamp aiming to improve the candidate job hiring experience and for employers to get the best candidate from the massive pool, machine learning is surely soaring. By considering machine learning training candidates get one step closer to being part of the professional pool of candidates for career opportunities.

The aim of machine learning training platforms has always been to train the candidates for the right jobs, and on average, any job opening would receive 250 plus resume submission, finding the best candidate from the lot is a difficult task. Even after several levels of screening resumes, interviewing candidates, recruiting requires candidates to perform well in a given environment.

Stakeholders being affected by adopting Machine Learning and AI

As several technologies like AI and machine learning have continuously been the recruitment preference, machine learning training platforms currently focus on candidates' values, bbehavior and likes. This is an effective measurement compared to several organizations that rely on job boards. This is ineffective as numerous uses are lost for job posts closed a long time back. Then there are numenumerous other industry players includeSPs, SMEs and VMS, all who have their say in the recruitment process. As there is no set protocol for inclusiveness, the process is often laden with numerous loopholes for candidates’ exploiting to make their way in the jobs. With assistance of newer technologies could help streamline various factions and allow for improved identification of talent.

Another aspect one wonders about is the numerous names like Netflix and Google that are always spot-on when searching for the best talent, be it temp or permanent. These companies are using the same technology used in self-driving cars, recommendation engines, and being implemented in the recruitment process. Machine learning coding algorithms can train themselves over time for predicting future trends. More data you supply to machine learning systems the better it performs. Whether it is to anticipate best sourcing channels for a job role or predicting candidates' performance depending on your skillset, behavior and values, these algorithms aid enterprises in increasing their talent acquisition quality while decreasing the time.

Machine Learning reshaping Talent Acquisition

Here are five different stages that can drive talent acquisition and recruitment performance through AI and Machine learning.

  • Talent Sourcing- Numerous firms use machine learning algorithms for predictive variables like social profile changes, tracking segment qualified candidates or job board visits. Programming languages like machine learning are revolutionizing the targeted advertisements to seek the best candidate pool. Not only this, Machine learning coding algorithms can be used for identifying the best sourcing channels for particular job roles. 
  • Job Requirement Posting- To ensure that job requirements are offered to the right candidates is critical for a good hiring procedure. Using machine learning algorithms could help you track visitors on career pages, websites, use cooking for tracking other platforms; these user visits and the timings can be mapped. This information could help post targeted job ads on the right platforms at the right time, increasing the hit rate and reducing time for hiring.
  • Resume Screening- Machine learning coding could help you screen resumes for keywords and meaning. There are numerous ways of doing the same. Using benchmark current resumes against resumes that have been successful in the past. Sorting candidates based on different parameters like values, behaviors, and reputation in your database. Most importantly, by using ML algorithms for removing bias from hiring process 
  • Candidate Interviewing- ML algorithms are used in video interviewing that can save a lot of time and reflect on patterns that are hard to catch by most experienced recruiters. Using algorithms for analyzing voice tone, body language, context, words, and choice, keywords algorithms can sieve candidates based on proficiency, skillset, culture fit, honesty, and numerous other parameters. Further, ML algorithms can develop competency tests that assess candidates on several traits like trust, communication, data interpretation, and sensitivity. 
  • Follow-up and onboarding- The last stage that is assisted by Machine learning training is follow-up and onboarding. AI chatbots in recruitment companies can answer questions and queries candidates may have 24/7. Programmed responses in AI are beneficial to both candidates and recruiters in reducing person-hours considerably. While some may say, human interaction makes a difference that aspects are dealt with later initiation.

So, in a nutshell, the advantages of machine learning are immense. Considering a Machine learning bootcamp to excel in the language can help the candidates and recruiters.

Also, Read This Blog: Machine Learning- A career that can give you both Money & Satisfaction


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